Urban metabolism in policy and practice

A global discussion

The organisers of the workshop (Metabolism of Cities, GreenCape, University of Cape Town and ICLEI) hope to facilitate a continuing conversation around the usage of urban metabolism in Cape Town's policy and practice. This first seminar event provides indication that there exists potential to continue engaging on this topic. However, we would like to hear from people in the community how they would like to continue this conversation, and in what way they would like to contribute.

We will be awaiting the survey that was sent out to all participants. However, if you would like to join our group and get involved in this topic, please drop us a line at seminarseries@metabolismofcities.org.

Organisers - Cape Town

If you have any questions, please contact us at seminarseries@metabolismofcities.org

This seminar series is supported by a Seminar Series Award from the Urban Studies Foundation.